Monday, December 1, 2008

We need action… not rhetoric!

Hemant Karkare’s widow rejects 1 Crore compensation declared by Narendra Modi…


Sandeep Unnikrishnan’s father refuses to allow the Kerala CM in his home for condolence…


Common man is irritated with political parties trying to gain mileage by putting up posters hailing the martyrs of the Mumbai Terrorist attacks…


People take to streets in Mumbai to protest the terror attacks and to expose the ineffectiveness of the political class…


Anger against politicians is at an unprecedented high… people want action… not rhetoric!



Anonymous said...

Good picture. Candlelight vigils and peace marches are other examples of such rhetoric. The former is a waste of good candles that can be used in electricity deficit areas...

BharGo said...

it's a better way to vent the anger than violence!


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